Thursday, September 18, 2008

"toy dogs are useless creatures"

While in the car with Jared and Drea, Jared suddenly made a very interesting observation. He said that "toy dogs are the most useless creatures in the world". Toy dogs play no role in the entire eco-system, are absent from the food chain, and exist today mainly as a form of entertainment for human beings. If a particular toy dog, like a maltese, beagle, or a poodle were to go extinct, will it affect the world at all? (other than depriving humans of a cute pet).


* said...

Jared is being a kok! dogs are a type of species just as humans are. it just so happens that in this lifetime that homosapiens happen to have the intelligence to lead this kind of civilisation that makes other species of living things inferior... and use them as pets/playthings. there are no such things as useless creatures!

Anonymous said...

And in the first place, people created toy dogs through gruesome and grotesque and awful forms of inbreeding/genetic testing. They weren't just born useless, we made them useless.

If anything, we're stupid and selfish for creating a "useless" creature that's plagued with health problems and can't defend itself. All for our own selfish satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

technically, toy dogs are probably the most powerful little creatures in fur and on four legs. these little buggers can cause 'higher species' such as human to pick up their shit, clean their piss, bathe them, buy them trinklets, cry over them and they simply take it all in. and what do we higher beings get in return? a bark and a wag of the tail. yet we are happy with it, and these little critters live happily side by side.

in the ecosystem sense, we actually benefit from toy dogs via symbiosis. we provide them with whatever we want to give them (unfortunately not always what they need) and they contribute to the affluent society we live in today, to our mental health, and perhaps even our physical well being. obviously your dear friend has never had anything close to a best friend of another species.

* said...

hoho.. jared has some made some enemies now.

dawn said...

haha it's just for argument's sake la. we were just talking and i thought it was an interesting way of looking at things. jared has two dogs himself and they're insanely cute.

Anonymous said...

Can we just be Korean (or Viet) (or Thai) and see them as snacks.

* said...

seriously? even thais??