Monday, August 04, 2008

oreo cheesecake

People (my friends) have been complaining about my stagnant blog.

Well, a really really long time ago, I set up diaryland as a form of catharsis. I had no problems thinking of things to write, and in fact, I relied on it quite a bit. It helped me to vent out whatever feelings I had, and because blogs weren't such a common thing back then, I didn't really have to worry about random people judging my inner most feelings.

These days, I seem to be struggling to fill the pages. Maybe it's because I'm happier (or at least I'm no longer an angry teenager), thus no longer the need for frequent catharsis, or maybe it's because I'm very reluctant to share my personal feelings in a very public forum. Instead, I now write because I believe it's the most effective way of keeping in touch with my friends overseas, especially with us all being in different countries. I admit to stalking my friends' blogs sometimes, because it makes me feel like I still know what's going on with their lives, even if we do not talk on a frequent basis. I know my (best of) friends do the same.

So, because I have absolutely nothing particularly interesting to talk about tonight, I leave you with a picture of what I did today -- I baked a cake. (an oreo cheesecake).
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