I've absolutely lovin' my holidays. This is probably one of the best summers I've had in a long time -- two of my best girlies are back for the longest in years, my two best and longest friends were here for a good whole week, and kenny came all the way from KL to visit for more than a week! It was MAD MAD fun. Only thing is that we're running out of things to do at night.
When I came back, it was drinking every day for a good two and a half weeks straight. Good times were spent at wine co drinkng ourselves silly with the lychee wine (I still cannot remember the name), having cans and cans of beers while playing poker, and going absolutely nuts for THM's birthday. Then, we fell in love with Two Hands Moscato from Denise and that was our poison of choice. This week, we've decided to tone down the drinking, and instead, we've been to arab street for shisha 3 times in the past 5 days.
I'm really lovin' the holidays. Please don't let school start so soon.
hi dawn. u need a chatbox.
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