Friday, August 29, 2008

Bollywood Cutting Edge!

I really meant to put this up sooner -- but I've just been swamped with work, and school, and have been partially sick. 

Last weekend, I got to attend a very special Indian fashion show/Gala dinner-- Bollywood Cutting Edge -- organized by a family friend, all in the name of charity. The aim of the whole event was to raise funds for The Tanglin-Cairnhill Constituency Citizens' Consultative (CCC) Community Development and Welfare Fund. (Yes that was a mouthful). 

Designers were flown in specially from India and Pakistan and the collection they displayed was amazing. On the line up were pieces by Maheen Khan, CUE by Rohit Gandhi & Rahul Khanna and Rina Dhaka.

I've always had a thing for Indian fashion  (during my Sec 4 prom, I was hunting furiously for an indian-western getup (something just like this!) but I was not too resourceful back then and ended up buying something from Daniel Yam instead) but the collection by Kavita Bhartia totally blew me away.

I especially liked her pieces because they were a mixture of Indian-meet-Western and as Nada says "something cultural yet modern at the same time". Also, she plays with colours and beads very well, creating a look that fuses tribal chic with royal opulence.

The young ones...

The adults... 

The dress from Kavita Bhartia! 
The best things about it is that it fits both Mum and I!

(most photos taken from Nat Bala / Mae Yen because their photo taking skills + camera are much better than mine!)

[side note: The objective of the Tanglin-Cairnhill CCC Community Development and Welfare Fund is for charitable purposes, specifically to provide relief for the poor and needy, advancement of education, welfare and programmes for the promotion of social cohesion and any other charitable purposes which help and benefit the community. If anyone is interested in purchasing the clothes for Charity or making any donations, please let me know and I'll get you in touch with the organizers.]

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

my age

I was at a dinner party last weekend and someone asked me how old I was. It took me a good 5 seconds to think and reply "I'm 22".

Even then, I was not sure.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Floral Fever

Bringing you Summer at it's best, with loads of flowers, colours and girly sundresses!

What better time to indulge in girly flirty florals than Summer!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mambo nights

After all of us have been away for so long, we've come to realise that this is something that is no doubt uniquely Singapore. Only a Singaporean would understand.

Nothing beats dancing to the summer rain with my favourite girls (and boy). 

Monday, August 11, 2008

First day of school

School's starting tomorrow.

There was once, a long long time ago, when I really didn't want the holidays to end. It was the best holiday I ever had. I dreaded the idea of going to school the next day, and the thought of the next long holiday seemed (at that point in time) like forever-more. So, the night before the first day of school, I hid under my blanket, thought of all the good times, and cried.

print me pretty!

It's Shades of Summer Take II.. We've got more good news for you, and more Sensational Summer Steals & Deals!

It's flirty, it's fun, it's 
prints in all the prettiest shades! From pastels to polka dots we have just about everything in store...

So take a dive into our 
next collection and make a splash at your next soiree.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

butter me up

Nothing beats good times with good friends at a great place and fabulous music.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Print Me Pretty Teaser!

School's about to start, but we've not been totally slacking away!

In fact, we've got lots more goodies to share ...

Keep your eyes here, cuz Shades of Summer Part II -- Print Me Pretty -- is coming right up!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Bangkok Bonanza

Hello ladies,
We've got some extremely exciting news for you! The girls at the Lemondr0p! have sent our resident FashionistaExtraordinare a-packing off to (you guessed it!!) Bangkok for the weekend with a HEFTY BUDGET to buyBuyBUY for the Lemondr0p! So if you have any requests at all, please do drop us a comment/email at so we can get you exactly what you want.

the Lemondr0p!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Summer Nights

There's really nothing much to do at nights.

I've absolutely lovin' my holidays. This is probably one of the best summers I've had in a long time -- two of my best girlies are back for the longest in years, my two best and longest friends were here for a good whole week, and kenny came all the way from KL to visit for more than a week! It was MAD MAD fun. Only thing is that we're running out of things to do at night.
When I came back, it was drinking every day for a good two and a half weeks straight. Good times were spent at wine co drinkng ourselves silly with the lychee wine (I still cannot remember the name), having cans and cans of beers while playing poker, and going absolutely nuts for THM's birthday. Then, we fell in love with Two Hands Moscato from Denise and that was our poison of choice. This week, we've decided to tone down the drinking, and instead, we've been to arab street for shisha 3 times in the past 5 days.

I'm really lovin' the holidays. Please don't let school start so soon.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Pretty Patriot

Guess what! After being away from Singapore for so long, we believe that it's time to let our inner patriotism shine. Thus, we bring you a special mini collection just for National Day!

Check out Lemondrop's special National Day edition, and be The Pretty Patriot this weekend, wherever you may be going to celebrate our Nation's Birthday!

Hurry, cuz this time, there are very limited pieces!

Monday, August 04, 2008

oreo cheesecake

People (my friends) have been complaining about my stagnant blog.

Well, a really really long time ago, I set up diaryland as a form of catharsis. I had no problems thinking of things to write, and in fact, I relied on it quite a bit. It helped me to vent out whatever feelings I had, and because blogs weren't such a common thing back then, I didn't really have to worry about random people judging my inner most feelings.

These days, I seem to be struggling to fill the pages. Maybe it's because I'm happier (or at least I'm no longer an angry teenager), thus no longer the need for frequent catharsis, or maybe it's because I'm very reluctant to share my personal feelings in a very public forum. Instead, I now write because I believe it's the most effective way of keeping in touch with my friends overseas, especially with us all being in different countries. I admit to stalking my friends' blogs sometimes, because it makes me feel like I still know what's going on with their lives, even if we do not talk on a frequent basis. I know my (best of) friends do the same.

So, because I have absolutely nothing particularly interesting to talk about tonight, I leave you with a picture of what I did today -- I baked a cake. (an oreo cheesecake).
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Saturday, August 02, 2008



now, I just need to learn how to use it ...

Friday, August 01, 2008


Just so you know -- I love you loads. Happy Birthday, and thanks for being there for the past 16 years.
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